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Most Useful Language for the World Travel

Life on the traveller trail can be much easier if you take the time to learn the basics of the local language. Knowing how to say hello, negotiate prices, ask for directions, or even include yourself in some chitchat are all invaluable. You will be seen as more polite rather than the clueless traveller and can, in certain circumstances, make locals more willing to help you if need be. Your personal travel manager can be your language coach into the languages you need to practice for a life on the traveller route.

Depending on where you go, knowing the right language is key. Learning any of these languages can be super helpful depending on where you are!

The reality for English-speakers is that foreign travel is certainly possible without learning any other languages at all. English is spoken in many countries around the world, even if it’s not the official language. But that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t bother learning other languages.

Knowing other languages allows you to connect with locals on a deeper level. It also helps you to better understand the culture and customs of a particular destination, and definitely helps you to avoid standing out as a tourist. Plus, getting around is just easier when you understand the local tongue. Check out 10 of the most useful languages to know while traveling.


The Arabic language has spread throughout the world as globalization creates a truly global community. The language can be found spoken from the Middle East to North Africa and in communities in cities around the world. Travellers heading to Arabic regions should learn the language, not only for conversation, but to understand the culture. The Arabic language is an intrinsic element of the culture and the religious beliefs of the Middle East and North African region.



English may be the world’s most influential language, but Mandarin is the language with the most speakers in the world. Naturally, learning Mandarin comes in handy if you’re planning on traveling to China. While you’ll find that many people still speak English, you’ll be less limited if you can speak a little Mandarin.

Keep in mind that not everybody in China speaks Mandarin, but it will certainly help you to gain a little independence while traveling. Mandarin is also widely spoken in Taiwan, where it is the official language.


Russian is not just the official language of Russia but is also the official language of Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan. It is also spoken as a minority language in Uzbekistan, Georgia, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Ukraine, Moldova, Romania, and Norway. If you’re planning on traveling through Eastern Europe, Russia is the language to know.

While the Soviet Union is no more, the Russian language is a remaining legacy that is still prevalent in many former states today. Understanding Russian and the Cyrillic alphabet will help you immensely in all of these countries.


Spanish covers approximately half of two continents — including almost every part of The Americas that is not English-speaking. The exception here is Portuguese in Brazil, but it's very similar to Spanish, so learning it isn't so complicated.


And finally, like China, Portuguese opens up access to large, heavily populated parts of the world, and should be included, but Portuguese has even more limited representation outside of it's native use, and for that reason falls at the very bottom of the list.


If you plan on a romantic getaway, then you got to learn the language of romance. It’s known worldwide that Italian is the language of romance. Italian is actually popular and will come in handy when traveling throughout Europe. There are other countries beside Italy itself that have many Italian speakers.

When it comes to learning new language, Italian is one of the easiest languages to learn. It’s extremely phonetic. Also, many of its root words are similar to Spanish and French. So, learning Italian can actually help you in countries that speak Spanish and French.

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